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Funeral Service of Leslie SMITH ((Les))

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph.

J Naylor Funeral Directors
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LeslieSMITH(Les) The funeral of the late Mr Leslie Smith, aged 90 years, took place at St Mary's Church, Broughton, on 27 June 2019. Rev Syd Andrew officiated at the service and the arrangements were by J Naylor Funeral Directors. FAMILY MOURNERS Susie Smith and Diane Fish (daughters), Ben Fish (grandson), Stephen Morrison (son-in-law), Gladys Hickabottom (sister), Freddie Graves (brother-in-law), Neil Graves (nephew), Julie and Steve Hayton (niece and husband), Samuel Hayton (great nephew), Michael and Katerina Lowe (nephew and wife), Mary and Nigel Bray (niece and husband), Sian Bray and Levi Yant (great niece and partner), Chrissie Bray (great niece), David Jacklin (nephew), Peter Jacklin (nephew), Anne Wilson (friend), Beverley and Graham Hornsby (niece and husband), Pauline and Dennis Porter (niece and husband), Mr and Mrs R Grimbleby (niece and husband), Tia Scott (great niece), Mary Smith (sister-in-law), Gary Smith (nephew), Neil Smith and Christine Pinchbeck (nephew and partner), June Staves representing Terry Staves (cousin), Lesley Leonard representing Peter Leonard (cousin) OTHER MOURNERS Anna Lamplough, Christine Holmes, Beryl Taylor, David and Marilyn Graves representing Hazel Graves, Andrew Graves, Julia and Peter Williams, Bob Armiger, John and Sandra Kettlewell, Jo Willoughby, Maurice Benson, Ann Smith, Vanessa Hambleton representing Adrian Hambleton, Jim Cross, Mr and Mrs Rowbottom representing Mr and Mrs Sargeant, Diane Chafer, Ursula Manning, Kathleen Fox, Jonathan Stow representing John Stow, Sue Wells, Pat Wells, David and Irene Turtle representing Wayne Turtle, Mel Cooper, Trevor Bryant, Simon Fisher, Jill Bunyan representing Russ Bunyan, Amanda Holmes representing Barbara Graves, Donna Higgins, Peter John Neall, Kerry Neall, Lorraine Fox, Phillip Lincoln, John and Christine Boulton, Ray and Lynn Hewson, Tim Higgins, John Higgins, Mr and Mrs Fish, Tristan Smith, Shirley Burnett, Judith Bates, Patrick Lonergan representing Lighthouse Club, Steve and Shirley Boulton, Barbara and Barry Dobbs, Mr and Mrs T Reeve, Lesley Whitehand representing John Welbourne, Mr K Richardson, Margaret and Steven Hunt, Fiona Norburn, Mrs J Wilmot, Julie Brown representing Ken Brown, Brida Hather, Robert Hather, Derek Fox, Eric and Linda Clark, Liz Davey, Rachel Barrowcliff, Dorothy Simon, Lucy Johnstone, Steven Johnstone, Emma Hayward, Stuart Hayward, John Wade, Andy Ferguson, Joanne Rowbottom, Brian Clark, Mr and Mrs P Neal, Jane Lacey-Hatton, Carol and Owen Bowness, Prof Phillip James representing Dorothy James, Ann Girdham, John Tippett, David Barker, Karen Camplin, Les and Heather Holland, Joanne Jackson, Heather Johnson, Tony Lister, Roy Hickabottom -
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1601 visitors
Published: 11/07/2019
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